It’s officially summer break!  This is my third year teaching, but my first two years were at a year-round school, so this is my first “summer off.”  I have a part-time job lined up, but it will leave me with plenty of time to get back into posting reviews.  I SUCKED at posting on here over the last couple months, so I do apologize, but now I’ll have time to catch up in my reading goals.

I also want to spend more time this summer with my own writing.  I have a story in the works that I started writing….a year ago?  Maybe?  It came from a dream I had over 5 years ago, and lately the dream has come back in a different form, which tells me it’s time to buckle down and get it out there.  Luckily, I have the support and encouragement of some of my good dream-friends.

How does this relate to the blog?  Well, whenever I write my “serious” stuff (aka, not like the book I’m working on cleaning up right now, the book that I wrote for NaNoWriMo in 2014, the book that I made really “easy” for myself), for some reason I always envision my protagonist as a caramel-colored woman, like the Indian actress Aishwarya Rai, and have always done since I was pretty young.  This mental protagonist arises unbidden and feels right, and I don’t know why, so I need to possibly explore it more.

But I’m looking forward to both my reading and writing process this summer!  And I have a whole host of diverse authors and issues in a stack of ARCs that I borrowed from our school librarian who recently returned from Book Expo America 2016 (so jealous).

Hope you have fun reading this summer too!  What are YOU planning to read?